2018 | ICN

based architecture with support to disaster scenarios for mobile vehicles 

Axe : ComEx
Coordinateurs :Cédric Adjih & Anis Laouiti
Nom & Prénom du Candidat : Ines Khoufi
Institutions :Samovar & Inria
Laboratoire gestionnaire : SAMOVAR
Adossé à l’action DigiCosme :GT Future Access Networks
Durée & Dates de la mission : 1 an – 15/09/2018 au 14/09/2019

Contexte :
Vehicular Adhoc Networks (VANets) research area has become a hot topic that attracted great attention from both mobile networking research community and automotive industry as it represents one of the most important building blocks for providing reliable, efficient and intelligent transportation systems for the future smart cities. Future transportation systems are expected to offer new services for citizens, such as the Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) which will enhance vehicle systems for safety and better driving. In the other hand vehicles are being, increasingly, equipped with embedded sensors, processing and several wireless communication capabilities 1 which actually will let them share information with their neighborhood and let them coordinate their actions to improve the traffic efficiency and reduce traffic jam on roads. Recently, a new class of mobile vehicle communication networks is attracting the attention of the researchers’ community. It is the family of Flying Ad hoc NETworks FANET. These networks are composed of flying communicating vehicles that should coordinate their actions in order to achieve a predefined group mission. The FANET have their own properties and constraints different from the ones of VANETs. Mobility is one of the properties of these networks that is seen as constrained and a predictable in a VANET, whereas is considered as an advantage for the FANET since flying vehicles may have 3D mobility. Several efforts are being concentrated to study the FANET mobility and deployment. The authors of 23 for example investigated the use of FANET to enhance intelligent transportation systems for a smart city. It is clear that these two kinds of networks are expected to collaborate in a way or another since they are complementary networks and may bring a value added on the ground and in the sky when they cooperate together. For this end, they need to be able communicate and exchange information between each others. Without any doubt , data exchange between vehicles offers new opportunities, but also raises new challenges that were not an issue in fixed networks. In fact, due to the particular characteristics of VANETs and FANETs ranging from highly dynamic topology, variable network density to short‐lived intermittent connectivity2 and high‐volume of exchanged data in harsh propagation conditions, deploying the existing traditional TCP/IP protocol suite in adhoc vehicular environments can be quite challenging3 since IP’s point‐to‐point, location‐based communication model does not fit the constraints already mentioned above . Moreover, in VANETs/FANETs, nodes (vehicles) may join and leave the network frequently, thus it is not trivial to assign IP addresses to such mobile nodes 4. To this end, a change of concept in the way of addressing nodes within the network is necessary in order to cope with VANETs/FANETs challenges and support the wide set of initially conceived and emerging vehicular applications. Consequently, the research community is currently exploring groundbreaking approaches to transform the way internet operates 5 . One possible candidate among them is Information‐Centric Networking (ICN). By leveraging innovative perceptions, such us name‐based routing, named content, in‐network caching 5 and self‐securing data, ICN suits well the intermittent links of VANETs/FANETs. Under the general concept of ICN and despite sharing the same design characteristics, various architectures have been proposed. These various existing initiatives focus on designing an internet architecture that might replace the current host‐centric internet architecture model and will directly address VANET/FANET applications problems and limitations 6 identified in the first section. ICN oriented projects include the DONA 7 project at Berkeley, the EU funded projects Publish‐Subscribe Internet Technology (PURSUIT) 8 and its predecessor Publish‐ Subscribe Internet Routing Paradigm (PSIRP) 9, Network of information ( NetInf) developed under SAIL project 10, the US funded projects Named Data Networking (NDN) 11 along with Content Centric Networking (CCN) 12. However, many problems are still open issues and need yet to be addressed.

Objectif :

In this work, the post‐doctorant candidate will start by designing and proposing a new architecture model that combines several new emerging research fields which are VANETs/FANETs, ICN as well as DTN concept. The architecture has to be adapted to the vehicular environment requirements having in mind the management of disaster scenarios as a potential use case. By architecture, we mean the complete protocol stack to give a clear definition of all the different layers composing it and involved in achieving the full communication model between the different nodes. The network nodes will also be based on ground vehicles and flying vehicles as the cornerstone forwarding object in the project but
other entities will be used in order to ensure the management of information dissemination in critical situations. The goal of our proposed solution is to be as generic as possible to cover all the possible scenarios. The candidate will initiate the development and simulation of the proposed architecture in order to test its performances through a qualitative and quantitative investigation. Then, he/she will focus on some mobility patterns for the FANETs in order to optimize the movement of the flying vehicles while they are enhancing the radio coverage for the VANETs and trying to improve data exchange experience between different damaged locations.