Actif student, be proactif and present a poster at JDSE 2022

Present a poster on September 15th

Size : A0 / A1

Can be mounted on the wall in either portrait or landscape format


Poster session September 15th : 2:45 pm– 4:45 pm 

September 16th —   1 :45 pm- 2 :15 pm best presentation and poster award


Amphithéâtre Sophie Germain, Bâtiment Alan Turing
Campus de l’École Polytechnique
1 rue Honoré d’Estienne d’Orves
91120 Palaiseau


Please, do not forget to register at the event 

Any questions? Contact us here

Poster session at CentraleSupélec for the PhD Day May, 16th, 2022