Present your work at JWOC 2022

Present your work on october 6th

The day will begin with selected students’ presentations and continue with conferences held by renowned researchers in the field. It is at the same time an opportunity to develop your network and to learn about the advancement in the fields of optical and wireless communication.

This call for papers is seeking submissions related to

  • wireless and optical communications
  • networking
  • signal processing
  • multimedia communications
  • IoT
  • cloud computing
  • artificial intelligence.

We highly encourage students to submit a proposal for an article on their research work with a subject related to the themes listed above. Please submit an extended abstract in English of 2 pages maximum (template here) before September 6th.


Registration close on September 19th

Deadline of submission : September 12th

Acceptance notification September 20

Presentation : October 6th

All submissions will be reviewed by the scientific committee based on relevance to the scope of the conference, originality, significance in the field and clarity.

For Master students who wish to engage in a research career, JWOC is THE perfect opportunity to give your first presentation in front of a large audience. Moreover, for first- and second-year PhD students, you might be able to present your mid-thesis defense publicly in front of industrial or academic researchers or simply practice your presentation skills.


Please, do not forget to register at the event 

Any questions? Contact us here

Poster session at CentraleSupélec for the PhD Day May, 16th, 2022