Distributed solutions for Tactile Internet

Point of contact

Aline Carneiro Viana, INRIA Saclay, aline.viana@inria.fr


The Tactile Internet, considered as the next evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT), will enable real-time interactive systems. It is defined as an internet network that combines ultra low latency with extremely high availability, reliability and security. Its success is closely related to the 5G deployment and success.

The new performance-hungry Internet of Everything (IoE) applications will require increasing computational power and will be more power hungry than ever. A new architectural Internet paradigm is thus required with intelligence brought from centralized computing facilities to distributed and in-network computation. The envisaged scenario is to have network intelligence pushed at the edge, much closer to UEs, where learning, reasoning, and decision making will provide distributed autonomy.

In this context, this theme will welcome works allowing to integrate collective distributed intelligence in the network. An example here is the recent-seen paradigm shift in mobile computing from the centralized Cloud Computing towards Mobile Edge Computing (MEC). Edge paradigm offers distributed mobile cloud-computing, network control, and storage capabilities at geographically closer-to-user small clouds (e.g., base stations).


distributed intelligence, Internet of Everything, edge computing

Researchers involved or interested

A few references

  • Mobile edge computing, a key technology towards 5g, etsi white paper no. 11, September 2015.
  • MEC in 5G networks, epsi white paper no. 28, June 2018.
  • Ehsan Ahvar, Anne-Cecile Orgerie, and Adrien Lebre. Estimating energy consumption of cloud, fog and edge computing infrastructures. IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Computing, March 2019.
  • MEC in 5G networks, EPSI white paper no. 28, June 2018.
  • Mobile edge computing, a key technology towards 5g, etsi white paper no. 11, September 2015.
  • Keke Gai, Meikang Qiu, and Hui Zhao. Energy-aware task assignment for mobile cyber-enabled applications in heterogeneous cloud computing. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 111, 08 2017.
  • The Tactile Internet, IUT-T Technology Watch Report, August 2014

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