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Junior Conference on DataScience and Engeneering

1 février 2021 à 9h00 - 2 février 2021 à 17h00 CET

The fifth edition of the Paris-Saclay / IPP Junior Conference on Data Science and Engineering (JDSE) is addressed to first year Ph.D. students, M2 students and third year students at Engineering schools at Paris-Saclay and Institut Polytechnique de Paris. It will offer to 6 students the opportunity to present some scientific work developed during their internships or first year of Ph.D. thesis, and also to grow their critical sense thanks to a professional conference hosting prestigious invited speakers, academics and industry scientists. This edition should have been held in September, but due to the sanitary conditions, it is to be held online in early February.

We are very please to announce that our speakers for this edition of the JDSE will be Barbara Hammer (Professor of Machine Learning, Bielefeld University), Arnaud Doucet (Professor of Statistics, University of Oxford & Research Scientist, Deepmind) and Patrick Perez (Scientific director,


Début :
1 février 2021 à 9h00 CET
Fin :
2 février 2021 à 17h00 CET