Thursday, October 20
9:00 a.m – 9:30 a.m Welcome coffee
9:30 a.m – 9:45 a.m Opening session
9:45 a.m – 10:45 a.m Invited speaker Grégory Batt, Research Director – Inria and Institut Pasteur
Title: Experimental and computational methods for synthetic biology and cybergenetics
10:45 a.m – 11:00 a.m Coffee break
11:00 a.m – 12:00 p.m Presentations of doctoral students
- Mehdi Zadem, LIX, Goal Space Abstraction in Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning via Set-Based Reachability Analysis
- Gian Karlo Aguirre-Samboni, Inria Saclay, Ecosystem causal analysis using Petri nets unfoldings
- Felipe Lisboa, LTCI, A Formal Approach to Designing Real-Time Memory Controllers
12:00 p.m – 1:45 p.m Lunch – ENS Paris-Saclay Kfet
1:45 p.m – 3:15 p.m Round table: Digicosme beyond 2022
3:15 p.m – 3:45 p.m Pitch poster (M2 students and doctoral students)
3:45 p.m – 4:45 p.m Poster session
- Amélie Ledein, Inria Saclay, Interopérabilité et preuves formelles sémantiques
- Manon Blanc, LIX, A characterization of polynomial time computable functions from the integers to the reals using discrete ordinary differential equations
- Li Jingyi, Computing the Rank Invariant for Persistence Bimodules
- Paul Patault, LMF, Pattern matchning: Exhaustive tests for exhaustiveness check
- Mouhamadou Tidiane Mangassouba, FaaSBoost: When serverless meets persistent memory
- Vincent Bonczak, LIX, TBA
- Mohamed Bassiouni, CEA LIST, Verifying quantum circuits equivalence in the path-sum formalism
- Rosario Patane, LISN, Performance valuation of task offloading in vehicular cloud ecosystem
- Mohammed Abdullah, SAMOVAR, TBA
- Hussein Awada, L2S, TBA
- Saloua Bouabba, DAVID , FL4Mobility: A federated learning approach for privacy of semantically enriched mobility data
- Mehdi Benhelal , SAMOVAR, Techniques to reduce reinforcement learning time
- Clément Bernard, IBISC, TBA
- Mycola Liashuha, CEA Saclay, Spatio-temporal attention for action recognition in a video sequence
- Yessirou Aristo Houessou, TBA
- Thibaut Soulard, LISN, Knowledge-based Entity Linking in Heterogeneous Knowledge Graphs at Web-Scale
- Leila Lea Boulos, LISN, TBA
4:45 p.m – 5:45 p.m Invited speaker Sébastien Destercke, researcher at CNRS – HEUDIASYC
Title: Uncertainties in learning data