Information-theoretic security


Information-theoretic security guarantees security even if the adversary has unlimited computing power, by contrast with cryptography where the adversary is assumed to have bounded computational power. Hence, information-theoretic security does not depend for its effectiveness on typically unproven assumptions about computational hardness. Information-theoretically secure cryptosystems have been used, for instance, for the most sensitive governmental communications, such as diplomatic cables and high-level military communications.


Security, Privacy

Researchers involved


  • E. De Chérisey, S. Guilley, O. Rioul, D. Jayasinghe, “Information Theoretic Distinguishers for Timing Attacks with Partial Profiles: Solving the Empty Bin Issue”, Journal of Information Security, 2020.
  • S. Kamel, M. Sarkiss, M. Wigger, GRB. Othman. “Secrecy capacity-memory tradeoff of erasure broadcast channels”, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 2019.