My name is Khodor Hannoush; I’m currently doing a Master 2 in Genomics Informatics and Mathematics for health and Environment at the University of Paris Saclay. I graduated in 2019 from the American University of Beirut (AUB) with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. Then I continued with a one-year master’s at AUB. During that year, I was an assistant instructor at AUB. Alongside I was a private tutor for high school and University students, teaching mainly Mathematics and Informatics.
Being interested in inter-disciplinary research, I decided to move toward Bioinformatics. As such, I applied to Paris-Saclay, and I was awarded the Digicosme scholarship 2020-2021 with a total amount of 12000 euros for twelve months.
Currently, I’m doing an internship at the IBISC laboratory (Informatique, bioinformatique Integrative et systèmes complexes). The research aims to predict non-coding RNA 3D structures by using deep learning techniques. The economic challenges that my country Lebanon is facing since 2019 and the coronavirus pandemic were obstacles to me, yet this scholarship helped me open the door for a fruitful future.
Khodor Hannoush, 2021.