2018 | HicDiesMeus: Highly Constrained Discrete Agents for Modeling Natural Systems

Axe : Scilex
Coordinateurs :

Laboratoire gestionnaire : LSV
Autres laboratoires impliqués : LRI

Présentation :

The purpose of the working group is to lie the foundations for a collaboration network that covers the modeling of physical and biological systems by discrete multi-agent systems. The group’s scientific goal is both to (i) understand fundamentals in such systems and (ii) to apply gained knowledge in building new, improved distributed systems.
Our strategy is to have scientific meetings of three kinds:

  • An international workshop on the group’s topics. The group’s main focus is on distributed systems in microbiology, there.
  • Talks on topics the group members would like to collaborate on. Intended audience are working group members.
  • Blackboard and coffee meetings where we discuss technical questions on the blackboard in an interactive manner. Typical audience are a few members that work on a research papers.Further, we will use the working group as a starting point for national and international projects (ANR, ERC, Farman, etc.), and to attract Master/PhD/Postdoc students to work with us on topics related to the
    We will announce our activities on our webpage (https://parsys.lri.fr/HicDiesMeus/), an already setup mailing for members and interested researchers, and local mailing lists at LSV, LRI, INRA, and CentraleSupélec).