Legal notice & credits

1 – Legal notice

The Labex DigiCosme is an ANR11LABEX0045DIGICOSME project operated by the ANR within the framework of the Investissements d’Avenir Idex ParisSaclay – ANR11IDEX000302.

The articles on this website are produced by the Labex DigiCosme team and its members.

The Labex DigiCosme site is hosted at the Computer Science Research Laboratory – Building 650 – Rue Noetzlin – 91405 Orsay. The data of people registered on the Labex DigiCosme mailing list are used to respond to your request, to keep you informed of its news.

You have rights of access, rectification and erasure at any time. For this, you can contact us:

The Labex DigiCosme site contains numerous hypertext links to other sites, set up with its authorization. However, Labex DigiCosme does not have the possibility to verify the content of the sites thus visited and will therefore not assume any responsibility for this fact.

2 – Photo and illustration credits

Illustrations website : Pixabay or open source found on Unsplash