Information and Communication Sciences is an important and active key role in most professional activities. They are developing very rapidly and are crucial to economic growth and business innovation.
Training in this discipline comes late in the higher education in France. Providing complete training in the essentials of ICST, from high school to doctoral level, and linking teaching to research are the priorities of Labex DigiCosme in terms of training.
In the field of education and popular science, Labex DigiCosme is lean on and leant on the following actions :
- The Master’s Scholarships program attracts bright students with a strong motivation for research and doctoral studies (about 20 scholarships funded each year).
- The International guest scientists program allows researchers in the community to bring in prestigious guests for a period of 2 to 3 months.
- The annual Spring Schools are privileged places for exchanges and training for our doctoral students and young researchers.
- The Junior Conferences are innovative educational events that allow doctoral students to participate and organize a conference as early as possible in their curriculum : JDSE, JWOC
- The NSI competition allows for strong relationships with secondary school teachers and students.
- The Primary school project involves teacher-researchers or researchers in elementary schools to raise awareness of computer science.
- The Science Day, a meeting place for the scientific community and the general public.
- The co-organization of the Ecole Doctoral STIC Prize of the Université Paris-Saclay makes it possible to promote excellence within the Labex DigiCosme.