The Labex DigiCosme is organising an innovative annual educational event JWOC (Junior Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications) that gives students the opportunity to present their internship or first year thesis scientific work and develop their critical thinking skills. Students participate in the organization of the event, which is a real conference with prestigious guest speakers and the presence of academics and industrialists.

The JWOC is intended for M2 students and third-year students in engineering schools, as well as first-year doctoral students in Paris-Saclay. If you are a student and are interested in joining the organizing team, please do not hesitate to contact us: contact@digicosme.fr

Time : 1 day
Date : October 6th 2022
Attendees : Students and PhD of University Paris-Saclay

Back to JWOC 2022 – video

Time : 1 day
Date : October 7th 2021
Attendees : Students and PhD of University Paris-Saclay

Time : 1 day
Date : December 4th 2020
Attendees : Students and PhD of University Paris-Saclay

Time : 1 day
Date : Tuesday, February 19 2019
Attendees : Master 2 – Réseaux et Communication Paris Saclay – 41
Place: CentraleSupélec – Building Breguet – 91 190 Gif-sur-Yvette
See Program / Keynote Speakers / Award Winners here: 1st édition website