JWOC 2021

Date : October 7th 2021


Amphi 1, Eiffel Building, CentraleSupéléc, 3 rue Joliot-Curie, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex


This conference is intended mainly for first and second university, PhD and Master students and third year students in engineering schools of Paris-Saclay. The aim is to provide these students with the opportunity to present their scientific work and their topics of research in a conference with prestigious guest speakers, from academia and industry and to develop their critical thinking skills.

The expected outcomes for the conference are :

– Introducing research in Wireless and Optical Communications to students,
– Provide an opportunity for second-year PhD students to make a mid-term defence to a broader audience,
– Highlighting students’ very first scientific results, enhancing networking and debates between students, attendees and keynotes speakers

** Registration and the sanitary pass will be required to come on site (within the limit of available seats).
Registration for meals will close on September 30, 2021.


2 Invited Speakers

David López Pérez, Expert at Huawei Technologies France

‘Non-terrestrial Communications: UAV and Satellites’
Drones—a.k.a. UAVs—are taking over many processes requiring efficient, automated, and flexible machines. For their whole ecosystem to take off, the wireless community is trying to address the fundamental challenge of providing reliable cellular service to this new class of mobile devices in both 5G and the future 6G networks. Simultaneously, the cellular communications industry is taking one step upward to the sky: integrating satellite communications in next-generation mobile networks with the ultimate goal of providing anything, anytime, anywhere connectivity. This trend is being followed closely by academia, with a tremendous effort in designing and optimizing the integrated terrestrial and non-terrestrial cellular network of tomorrow. In light of the unprecedented interest in this field, this presentation introduces and blends academic and industrial views to take a holistic approach to UAV and satellite cellular communications.

Dr. David López-Pérez is an Expert and Technical Leader at Huawei Paris Research Center, France, who has devoted most of his career to the study of both cellular and Wi-Fi networks, where his main research interests are in network performance analysis, both theoretical- and simulation-based, network planning and optimisation as well as technology and feature development. David’s main contributions are around the understanding of small cells and ultra-dense networks. He has also pioneered work on energy efficiency, cellular and Wi-Fi inter-working, and investigated both multi-antenna capabilities and ultra-reliable low latency features for future indoor networks. David was recognised as Bell Labs Distinguished Member of Staff in 2019, has authored 1 book on small cells, and has published more than 150 research manuscripts on a variety of related topics. David has filed 54 patents applications with more than 25 granted as of today, and has received a number of prestigious awards. He is an editor of IEEE TWC, and currently the Huawei Paris Research Centre Ambassador.

Charis Mesaritakis, Associate Professor at the University of the Aegean, Greece

Neuromorphic Photonic Circuits as an enabling technology for near future high-speed optical links

 Prof. Charis Mesaritakis acquired his diplom, M.Sc and Ph.D from National and Kapodistrian Univeristy of Athens (Greece). His Ph.D thesis focused on the experimental characterization and numerical modelling of novel regimes of quantum dot mode locked lasers. He has participated as a researcher in 10 FP6-FP7 and Horizon2020 EU projects. He has been awarded a postdoctoral EU Marie-Curie Fellowship, involving high precision laser telemetry in III-V Labs (France); Followed by two competitive national research grants, PROMITHEAS from the G. Latsis foundation and HFRI-GSRT NEBULA, both focusing on the investigation of photonic neuromorphic technologies and photonic machine learning. Currently he serves as technical manager for the H2020 NEoteRIC project also focusing on photonic neuromorphic paradigms. Since 2019, he is an associate professor at the department of Information and Communication Systems Engineering at the University of the Aegean, splitting his research interest among design/implement photonic neuromorphic systems for high bandwidth applications and photonic physical layer cryptographic modules (Η2020 KONFIDO, GSRT- SAFE-IT). He is author and co-author of more than 80 publications in highly cited journals and international conferences focusing on quantum-dot laser dynamics, neuromorphic schemes and physical layer security. He holds two patents, one for photonic-physical unclonable functions modules for implementing physical layer security and a second for a photonic Neuromorphic Optical Processor. He serves as regular reviewer for IEEE, OSA, AIP and Springer Journals whereas he serves as guest editor for MDPI’s Applied Sciences journal.

Several student presentations

9:00 – 9:15Welcoming session
9:15 – 10:15Keynote talk : David López Pérez
10:15 – 10:45 Student presentation : Nickson Mwamsojo
10:45 – 11:15Coffee break
11:15 – 11:45Student presentation : Yigit Oguzhan Akbay
11:45 – 12:15 Student presentation : Abdelaziz Bounhar
12:15 – 13:45Lunch break
13:45 – 14:45Keynote talk : Charis Mesaritakis
14:45 – 15:15Student presentation : Reinhardt Rading
15:15 – 16:15Coffee break

Scientific Committee

Mireille Sarkiss – Télécom SudParis
Mounia Lourdiane- Télécom SudParis
Alexis Aravanis – Centrale Supélec
Michel Kieffer – Centrale Supélec

Organizing Committee

  • Peter Nwakamma, Télécom Paris
  • Ibrahim Djemai, Télécom SudParis
  • Pierre Fanneau, lll-V Lab

Award Winners

Best Student Presentation : Abdelaziz Bounhar

Videos of the event