Contact : Céline Hudelot CentraleSupelec, Fariza Tahi, Université d’Evry
The data is everywhere. They are omnipresent in our daily lives and yet so invisible. They are highly coveted and are sometimes the subject of priceless financial overbidding. One of the main objective of Labex DigiCosme is to help better understand these data. This research is structured around 4 mains themes:
- IID-1 Data management, knowledge representation and reasoning
- IID-2 Natural Language Processing
- IID-3 Machine learning
- IID-4 Interaction and Visualization
All these themes have been doing in the various projects funded by Labex DigiCosme.
Working Groups
- 2020 | vrAI: FOrmal VeRification and AI
- 2020 | SNAP: Simulations numériques et apprentissage
- 2020 | Deep-TS – Apprentissage profond pour le traitement du signal
- 2018 | SDT: Sécurité des données textuelles
- 2018 | Extraction, Représentation et Visualisation de connaissance pour l’Enseignement Numérique ERVEN
- 2017 | TALSEM: Traitement Sémantique des Données Textuelles
- 2017 | Réseaux profonds et Représentations Distribuées
- 2017 | Groupe de Travail E-Santé
- 2016 | SSSL
- 2015 | SciCoSense
- 2015 | Interaction
- 2015 | D2K : De la Donnée à la Connaissance
- 2020 | ReliAble : Extraction of relational information from text in specific domain – adaptability and scalability
- 2020 | CoLeSIAw : Continuously Learning Complex Tasks via Symbolic Analysis
- 2018 | YAGO
- 2017 | iDIAB
- 2017 | HiDimStat
- 2016 | AlCoMol
- 2015 | SensoMotor-CVE
- 2015 | OPALE
- 2015 | COT
- 2014 | BIPIMA
Post-Doc – Engineer
- 2020 | ATOM
- 2019 | PHONO
- 2018 |Meta Tracts: Parsimonious multi-resolution representations for modeling,visualizing and statistically analyzing brain tractograms
- 2018 |DIGIT: Distributed Pulse Generation in Bacterial Colonies
- 2018 | VASTE – Veracity Assesment in Spatio-TEmporal heterogeneous data. An application on Web animal epidemiological surveillance.
- 2018 | MAEL
- 2018 | DynaRNA
- 2017 | AMPHI
- 2016 | PHONO
Guest Scientists
- 2019 | Rodrigo Fernandes De Mello
- 2019 | Jugurta Montalvo
- 2018 | Steve Whittaker
- 2018 | Ramon Pino Pérez
- 2018 | Marylin Walker
- 2018 | Juliana Freire
- 2018 | Claudio Silva
- 2017| Catherine Plaisant
- 2017 | Timothy Miller
- 2016 | Kevin Bretonnel Cohen
Doctoral Development Project
- 2018 | TouchPlayer
- 2016 | Sphinx-Gallery
- 2016 | Plateforme Camomile d’annotation collaborative de documents multimédia
- 2016 | Loky
- 2016 | Analyse de déclarations de personnalités politiques
- 2016 | open M/EEG