STIC PRIZE 2020 The jury for Prize met on Monday, September 28, 2020. The result of the deliberations is as follows.Two first prizes were awarded (in alphabetical order) to: Denis ANTIPOV, LIX,…

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JWOC 2021

Date : October 7th 2021 Location: Amphi 1, Eiffel Building, CentraleSupéléc, 3 rue Joliot-Curie, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette cedex Description This conference is intended mainly for first and second university, PhD and…

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2021 | C2-SyDiC : Contrôle et Certification de Performance de Systèmes Distribués Communicants

Axe: ScilexCoordinators: Mohammed CHADLI, IBISC (équipe SIAM)Hélène PIET-LAHANIER, ONERA (DTIS)Ulrich FAHRENBERG, LIX (équipe Cosynus) Laboratory: IBISC (M. Chadli)Involved teams (alphabetical order):  IBISC (équipe SIAM) : M. Chadli, Lydie Nouvelière, Said MammarLIX (équipe Cosynus)…

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