2018 | Claudio Silva

Claudio T. Silva is a professor of computer science and engineering and data science at New York University. His research interests include visualization, visual analytics, reproducibility and provenance, geometric computing, data science/big data, sports analytics, urban computing and computer graphics. He has held positions in academia and industry, including at AT&T, IBM, Lawrence Livermore National Labs, Sandia National Labs, and the University of Utah. Claudio has advised 15 PhD and 8 MS students, and mentored 6 post-doctoral associates. He has published over 220 journal and conference papers, is an inventor of 12 US patents, and authored 12 papers that have received “Best Paper Awards” (including honorable mentions). He has over 10,000 citations according to Google Scholar. He is an IEEE Fellow and was the recipient of the 2014 IEEE Visualization Technical Achievement Award “in recognition of seminal advances in geometric computing for visualization and for contributions to the development of the VisTrails data exploration system.” Claudio’s research has been funded by NSF, DOE, NIH, NASA, DOD, AT&T, IBM, ExxonMobil, McGraw-Hill Education, MLBAM, Moore Foundation, Sloan Foundation, LLNL, Sandia, Los Alamos, State of Utah, University of Utah, Center for Urban Science and Progress, and New York University.

His program :

  • Data Science Master – Infovis and Visual Analytics Lectures: 4h
    • Dates:
      • 19/11 2-4pm Introduction to Urban Data Science
      • 26/11 2-4pm course and Labs on Urban Data Science
  • M2 Interaction – Human Computer Interaction (HCI) : 2h
    • Dates:
      • 03/12 10-11am : Career seminar: Urban and Sport Visual Analysis
      • 03/12 11-12am : InfoVis class: 1h
  • Séminaire scientifique :
    • Dates:
      • 07/12 3:15-5:15pm ENSTA-ParisTech