Labex DigiCosme Call for applications master scholarships 2022- 2023 (mobilité entrante)

You wish to apply for one of the masters supported by LabEx Digicosme for the 2022-2023 academic year. You have an excellent academic record.

Apply for an incoming mobility grant offered by the Labex DigiCosme.

For that :

1- Register on the Université Paris-Saclay or Institut Polytechnique de Paris master’s application site

2 – Contact the master’s supervisor to submit your application.

Dates to remember

Submission (by master’s supervisors):

  • first session: before Thursday March 17, 2022 – 12 p.m. (Paris time), for newcomers to the Paris-Saclay site.
  • second session: before Wednesday May 25, 2022 – 12 p.m. (Paris time), for all students.


  • Applications submitted after these deadlines will not be examined.
  • Funding: start of September 2022

Master scholarships

Each year, the Labex DigiCosme. offers around fifteen scholarships to very good students wishing to do a master’s degree within the scientific scope of LabEx DigiCosme, with a view to pursuing a doctorate.

1 – Call in progress

Application files are submitted by those responsible for the master’s year or course. The deposit procedures are here:

2022-2023 Master scholarships submission

Two sessions are organized per year, the first in March reserved for foreign students new to the Paris-Saclay site, the second in June open to all master’s students within the scientific scope of Labex DigiCosme.

2 – What are the conditions?

The Labex DigiCosme is offering funding of € 12,000 for 1 year to help pay for students in France.

For admission to the first year of the master’s (M1), or second year (M2) to one of the master’s courses (list available here).

Please note: unlike in previous years, scholarships awarded in M1 will not be renewable in M2 with Labex funding

It cannot be combined with another scholarship.

Transport and registration costs are not covered by Labex DigiCosme.

The studies, including the internship, must take place in one of the member establishments of the University of Paris Saclay or of the Institut Polytechnique de Paris; the choice of an internship outside this perimeter entails the interruption of the scholarship.

The student who holds a scholarship is assigned a tutor from the Labex DigiCosme community.

3 – Which training courses are concerned and how to apply?

To apply for the scholarship in one of the master’s courses at the University of Paris-Saclay or the Institut Polytechnique de Paris, the student must contact the person responsible for this course. The course managers whose institution will manage the scholarship are the only ones authorized to submit student applications, no direct application (from students) is possible.

2022 Master Scholarships Submission

1 – Operation reminder

Only those responsible for the course (responsible for M1 or responsible for M2) of the institution managing the scholarship can submit applications. It is their responsibility to select the applications they wish to submit.

For students who have already obtained a scholarship for the M1 for 2021-2022 and wish to renew the scholarship for the M2, a new application must be made by the person in charge of the M2.

The first session is reserved for newcomers to the Paris-Saclay site. The deadline for submissions is Thursday March 17, 2022 – 12:00 p.m. (Paris time). Applications submitted after these deadlines will not be examined.

The second session is open to all students. The deadline for submission is Wednesday May 25, 2022 – 12 p.m. (Paris time). Applications submitted after these deadlines will not be examined.

The commission will not allocate, except in very exceptional cases, more than two financings to the same year of course. The renewals in M2 of scholarships awarded in M1 do not impact this quota.

The selected application files are studied by the training commission which proposes to the Labex DigiCosme executive committee a list of students to support.

The scholarship is nominative.

2- Information to be attached

The complete application file must be submitted online using the form available here by the master’s year supervisor. It must include the following elements:

  • master’s degree targeted (specify M1 or M2)
  • institution managing the grant (operator of the master’s degree and institution in which the student will be registered)
  • Student CV
  • Copy of a student ID
  • Student transcripts and university degrees
  • Student motivation letter
  • Letters of recommendation

A reasoned opinion from the year manager of the master justifying in particular the adequacy of the student’s initial training with the course and themes of Labex DigiCosme, as well as the level of the proposed application (quality of the institution of origin, of the person recommending, direct exchanges with the candidate …). The criterion which must guide the submission of an application is the potential to be pursued in a thesis within the perimeter of the Labex DigiCosme, in particular the quality of the file with a view to the allocation of a thesis funding. A year manager presenting several files can argue for a classification between the files he submits.